Dr. Nicole Kumi is a Behavioral Health Practitioner who specializes in pre and postnatal mental health support. Dr. Nicole is an incredible resource for all things pregnancy and postpartum given both her education, personal, and professional experience.
Her mission is to reduce the stigma associated with PMADs (perinatal mood and anxiety disorders) through prepartum and postpartum education for moms and their families, which will help to normalize the experience and promote continued conversations around maternal wellness.
While our LVLTN 1:1 coaching experience already includes a monthly Maternal Mental Health group call with Dr. Nicole, Dr. Nicole has also created specialized coaching packages, specific to LVLTN clients, to help meet moms where they currently are in their motherhood, individually.
Behavioral Health Practitioner
Use the SDE Method app for a self-guided experience that introduces you to our health and fitness philosophies, and also includes access to all of our monthly training programs.
Work with an expert to incorporate health and fitness protocols that you actually enjoy! Your coach will eliminate the frustration and deliver you the best results.